There are many ways you can learn about our organization. Our website has all of our information. It details what we do. Our newsletter is another source of information on the happenings in our organization. However, Peace At Home DC is the only place you’ll learn HOW we do the things we do, and how we FEEL while doing them. The main purpose of this blog is to give you a window into our thoughts and share with you the reasons why our jobs are so rewarding.
The DCCADV blog, Peace At Home DC will also provide information on various domestic violence related issues. It will give you insight into the various sides of the DV field, like the side of a survivor, an advocate, or a passionate community member.
With your support we aim to listen to what you have to say. We aim to grow as an organization, as people, as DV advocates. Most importantly, we aim to build a stronger community to together bring an end to domestic violence in D.C!